Modified Vicat Cone Penetrometer, 35g

Used to evaluate unsanded plaster. Features a magnesium cone and plunger assembly with a total weight of 35g. Includes frame with bakelite platform, graduated 0-50mm scale, magnesium cone plunger assembly with adjustable indicator and H-3080 conical mold.

Click here to learn more about cement and mortar principles and testing techniques.


Used to evaluate unsanded plaster. Features a magnesium cone and plunger assembly with a total weight of 35g. Includes frame with bakelite platform, graduated 0-50mm scale, magnesium cone plunger assembly with adjustable indicator and H-3080 conical mold.

Click here to learn more about cement and mortar principles and testing techniques.


Part Number & Name
Modified Vicat Cone Penetrometer, 35g


Manuals, Data Sheets & Safety Data Sheets
H-3050 man 1215 (Product Manual PDF)